I’m a young passionate designer and engineer who lives near Maastricht, The Netherlands. I spent my days studying my Industrial Design master degree at the Eindhoven University of Technology. I also hold a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.

I would like to call myself an industrial design engineer whose main interest lies in connecting the world of innovative technology in a meaningful way to the everyday life of people. The way people connect to technology depends largely on the quality of interaction. Currently my main interest lies in the improvement of wearable health technology. I like to dive into the context of a design problem to connect myself to the emotion of the target group and to understand the bigger picture when presented with a complex situation. This User Centered Design approach inspires me to do my very best.

A good product places the user central, fulfills their needs and wishes and contributes to society. A good product has nice looks and feels, and a pleasing interaction experience. But most important, a good product can be created and manufactured. The process to get from an idea or problem to a good product is called design. All of the other works is blood, sweat and tears.

I made a small selection of my work in this portfolio. It contains projects done for educational purposes, as employee and a selection of projects just for fun. If you have any question, feel free to contact me at info@sanderbiesmans.nl.

For more information, see my LinkedIn or contact me for a digital copy of my CV.